Corporate Compliance and Ethical Standards of Conduct
Mental Health Association in Orange County, Inc. (MHA) has developed quality services built on a foundation of personal and professional integrity. We cultivate strong relationships using the principles of mutual respect and honesty. Details regarding our commitment to this mission can be found in our Corporate Compliance Plan.
If you have questions about the Compliance Program or wish to report potential fraud, waste or abuse, you can either email the Corporate Compliance Officer by clicking here or you can submit an anonymous comment to Lighthouse Services through any of the following:
- Website: www.lighthouse-services.com/mhaorangeny
- English speaking: 833-687-0009
- Spanish speaking: 800-216-1288
- E-mail: reports@lighthouse-services.com (must include agency name with report)
- Fax alternative for written documents: (215) 689-3885 (must include agency name with report)
MHA’s Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct can be viewed at any time by clicking on the links provided.